Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chicken Strips, Sugar Cookies, & FREE Home Ec Handbook Online...

This is a picture that Danny took of the lilly out in our habitat garden.

Yesterday, after I got done with all the kids' pancakes, Danny gave me a call to let me know he'll be able to swing by home for a little bit! YEAH! I love it when he gets to stop by during his day! I made him a HUGE plate of pancakes, strawberries, and whipped cream.

Some of you probably noticed my thought bubble yesterday that said that it was our 7th wedding anniversary! So, I'm really excited I got to see him a little extra yesterday on such a special day! I just love being married to this man SO MUCH! Can not get enough time with him!

And, I wanted to also mention how PROUD OF DANNY I AM!! Today marks 5 days of him NOT smoking!! {Round of Applause!} He is doing so good! He is using the patch, lollipops, and Starbursts to curve those cravings and habits! LoL! YEAH DANNY!!

Ooooh, I told you yesterday that I was trying a new recipe for lunch. Well, the older kids went swimming after Danny left to go finish up work, and by the time they came back in it was about time to start dinner! So we all just had a quick snack, and I moved the new recipe to dinner!

Here is what I will be turning into our dinner...

The recipe came from the blog I shared with everyone yesterday {The Five J's}. Here is the recipe...

Oven Baked Chicken Strips

Well, actually, it is the entry on The Five J's blog about it, then you will need to follow the link on there to the actual recipe...sorry! But, I did more like what they did on The Five J's website.

I used skinless boneless chicken breasts, which after thawed, I cut into strips. Dipped in the melted butter, covered with the crumb mixture, and arranged in a couple of my casserole dishes...

After they cooked for about 30 mins...finding out I probably should have flipped them about 1/2 way thru the cooking time...I put them onto our plates with our sides...whole corn, and baked beans...

They were a HUGE hit with everyone! I couldn't help myself but to try one...I mean two...well, in the end I think I had three! Whoops! Just couldn't help myself because I thought they were SO YUMMY!

After dinner, Arlee wanted to make some cookies. So we went looking for a sugar cookie recipe for her to make. We came across the recipe for Easy Sugar Cookies, and she decided to try these.

They turned out REALLY good! She has turned into quite the little baker around here! Here is her plate of cookies...

So thanks to Miss Arlee, we had dessert!

And, on a side note here...I came across a link to a Home Ec program online for FREE! Whoo Hoo! It is Christian based, but mainly focuses on the topic at hand. The Future Christian Homemakers Hanbook looks really great, and VERY close to what I was hoping to find to work thru with the kids...especially Arlee!!

Okay...well, that is about all I have time for today! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and read! It is VERY appreciated!

Have a wonderful day!!

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